Saturday, November 14, 2009


this is from the set of Look only at me by tAeyang
gd look so hot, cute, cool in here..with those black, gelled hair!!!
very nice..hundred percent cutness and very talented guy!!
Today i really have a runny nose..ugh..I'm really darn tired
but I'm gonna do this thing for the sake of GD..(char)
and now I'm watching the parodies of Bigbang..hehee
It's so funny at the same time I'm playing pet society and saving more pictures of bigbang
kwon ji yong is cute..isn't he?!..
handsome, cute, HOT, talented, has a sense of style and Funny too.
^^ I'm so happy at the same time having a runny nose..(ugh..)
didn't u nOe that TAeyang and gd are so super close?!..
they were like wen bigbang doesn't exist yet..
^__^ gd oppa!!!